Montreal's International Forum
Politics Series
presented by

Past events

Leonel Fernandez Reyna

Leonel Fernandez Reyna

President of the Dominican Republic

Canada and the Dominican Republic: An Expanding Partnership

June 2, 2005

Monique Gagnon-Tremblay

Monique Gagnon-Tremblay

Québec Minister of International Relations and Minister Responsible for La Francophonie

Moving Towards a New International Policy for Québec

May 19, 2005

Pierre S. Pettigrew

Pierre S. Pettigrew

Minister of Foreign Affairs Canada

Trust and Awareness : Canada's International Personality

April 27, 2005

Benoît Pelletier

Benoît Pelletier

Minister Responsible for Canadian Intergovernmental Affairs, Francophones within Canada, the Agreement on Internal Trade, the Reform of Democratic Institutions and Access to Information of Québec

Québec's Position in International Organizations and Canada's Free Trade Agreements

March 17, 2005

Howard Dean

Howard Dean

Ex-Governor of Vermont and Ex-Candidate to the Democrat Nomination for the American Presidency

The American Presidential Elections : Consequences for All

October 26, 2004

Gilles Duceppe

Gilles Duceppe

Head of the Bloc Québécois

Foreign Affairs and Globalization: A Québec Vision

June 3, 2004

Paul Martin

Paul Martin

Prime Minister of Canada

Canada in the World: Making a Difference

May 10, 2004

Jim Douglas

Jim Douglas

Governor of Vermont

Vermont and Québec: An Expanding Partnership!

December 3, 2003

Wolfgang Böhmer

Wolfgang Böhmer

President of the Bundesrat of the Federal Republic of Germany and Minister President of Saxe-Anhalt

The Economic Situation in the New German Länders

September 18, 2003

Mustafa Osman Ismail

Mustafa Osman Ismail

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Sudan

Canada's Contribution to the Development of Natural Ressources and Infrastructures in Sudan

May 16, 2003

Edmund Stoiber

Edmund Stoiber

Minister-President of the State of Bavaria

May 15, 2003

Artus Mas i Gavarró

Artus Mas i Gavarró

Prime Minister of Catalonia

21st Century Catalonia

February 17, 2003

Bill Graham

Bill Graham

Minister of Foreign Affairs Canada

Canada in an Interdependant World

October 4, 2002

Louise Beaudoin

Louise Beaudoin

Québec Minister of International Relations

Why Create an Observatory of Globalization?

June 10, 2002

Marc  Verwilghen

Marc Verwilghen

Belgium Minister of Justice

Europ and Terrorism: Assessing the Belgium Presidency of the European Union

April 5, 2002

Shlomo Ben-Ami

Shlomo Ben-Ami

Former Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs

Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs

March 14, 2002

Carlos  Humberto Gadsden Carrasco

Carlos Humberto Gadsden Carrasco

Director of the National Center for Municipal Development and Adviser to the President, Vicente Fox

Vicente Fox's Plan for the Reform of Federalism in Mexico

January 24, 2002

Jeanne Shaheen

Jeanne Shaheen

Governor of New Hampshire

Importance of the Québec-New Hampshire Relation for Trade, Tourism and Culture

October 18, 2001

John Manley

John Manley

Minister of Foreign Affairs Canada

Canada After September 11th, 2001

October 11, 2001

Paul Martin

Paul Martin

Canadian Minister of Finance and President of the G-20

Governance of the World Funds Market

October 23, 2000

Louise Fréchette

Louise Fréchette

Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations (UN)

We, the Peoples: The United Nations' Role for the 21st Century

May 5, 2000

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