Jean Doré
Mayor of Montreal
Montreal, International City
November 22, 1988
Dom Bonafede
Correspondant at the White House and Chief Correspondant for political affairs at the National Journal
The US Elections
October 21, 1988
Claude Haegi
Mayor of Geneva
May 10, 1988
Ahmed Ben Salah
Ex-Minister of Finance of Tunisia and Leader of the Mouvement de l’Unité Populaire (in exile)
Tunisia after Bourguiba
March 24, 1988
Robert Bourassa
Premier of Quebec
Quebec's International Relations
February 8, 1988
Bernard Landry
Former Minister of External Trade of Québec
The Canadian-American Free Trade Agreement
November 26, 1987
Marcel Massé
Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources of Canada
October 29, 1987
Perrin Beatty
Minister of National Defence of Canada
Topics of the National Defence's White Paper
June 9, 1987
Joe Clark
Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs Canada
Canada in an Interdependent World : Agriculture and Canadian Unicity
May 21, 1987
Professor at the Beijing Institute
Chinese Foreign Policy in Asia
March 31, 1987
Monique Landry
Minister for External Relations of Canada
Canadian-Haitian Cooperation
December 12, 1986
Claude Dupras, Jean Doré
Debate Conference with the Montreal Mayoral Candidates
October 9, 1986
Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo
Ex-Prime Minister of Portugal
October 7, 1986
Lord Carrington
Secretary General of NATO
NATO on the Eve of the Halifax Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs
May 27, 1986
Brian Mulroney
Prime Minister of Canada
Canada at the First Sommet de la Francophonie
February 6, 1986