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Past events

François Loncle

François Loncle

Secretary of State to Cities, French Republic

The Role of Different Government Levels in the City Development Policy

November 17, 1992

Pierre Marc Johnson

Pierre Marc Johnson

Ex-Premier of Québec

After the Rio Conference

November 12, 1992

Rigoberta Menchù Tum

Rigoberta Menchù Tum

1992 Nobel Peace Prize

500 Years of Native, Black and Popular Resistance

November 9, 1992

Raymond Barre

Raymond Barre

Ex-Prime Minister of the French Republic

Economic and Political Perspectives for Europe after Maastricht

October 8, 1992

Hans Martin Jepsen

Hans Martin Jepsen

Deputy Minister, Ministry of Economy, Transport and Technology of Bavaria

Bavaria's Politics and Economy

October 7, 1992

Gu Chuanxun

Gu Chuanxun

Vice-Mayor of Shangaï

Shangaï - Pudong : Entry Gate for the Yangzi Valley

October 7, 1992

Guy Spitaels

Guy Spitaels

President Minister of the Walloon Region of Belgium

The Walloon Region of Belgium and the European Construction

October 2, 1992

Frederico Mayor

Frederico Mayor

Director-General of UNESCO

UNESCO's Revival

September 21, 1992

Rainer Siegelkow

Rainer Siegelkow

Chief Economist at the Westdeutsche Landes Bank

Unified Germany and Maastricht: a Miscued Kick-Off into Monetary Union ?

June 5, 1992

Guo Shuyan

Guo Shuyan

Governor of the Hubei Province, Popular Republic of China

Hubei : Industrial Power in the Heart of China

May 27, 1992

Antonio Enrique Savignac

Antonio Enrique Savignac

Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization (WTO)

The Future of the Tourist Industry : Challenges and Perspectives

May 15, 1992

Noemi Sanin DeRubio

Noemi Sanin DeRubio

Minister of External Relations of the Republic of Colombia

Political and Economic Renewal in Colombia

April 28, 1992

Guy Rivard

Guy Rivard

Minister for La Francophonie of Québec

The Francophonie : Quebec's Commitment

March 20, 1992

Alvaro Espina Montero

Alvaro Espina Montero

Minister of State to Industry of the Kingdom of Spain

Industrial Policy and Investment Opportunities in Spain

March 19, 1992

Monique Landry

Monique Landry

Minister of External Relations and International Development of Canada

Canada and Africa : New Issues

February 10, 1992

Jacques Parizeau

Jacques Parizeau

Leader of the Official Opposition, Québec's National Assembly

A Sovereign Quebec's International Relations

January 23, 1992

Jean-Bertrand Aristide

Jean-Bertrand Aristide

President of the Republic of Haïti

The Current Crisis in Haïti

December 9, 1991

Manuel Gamacho Solis

Manuel Gamacho Solis

Mayor of Mexico

The Development of Mexico City and Its Relations with Montreal in View of the North American Free Trade Agreement

October 15, 1991

Hubert Curien

Hubert Curien

French Minister of Research and Technology

The Orientations of France's Scientific and Technological Policy, in a Context of International Economic Cooperation

October 7, 1991

Maurice Strong

Maurice Strong

Secretary General, United Nations Conference on the Environment (Rio 1992)

The Environment and Economic Change

September 24, 1991

Leon Brittan

Leon Brittan

Vice-President, Commission des communautés européennes

Controlling Corporate Concentration Inside the European Community

September 19, 1991

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