Hélène Tremblay
President of Destination Montréal
Being a Host in International Relations
November 1, 1995
Rita Dionne-Marsolais, John Ciaccia
The Yes-Side and the No-Side for Québec's Sovereignty
October 20, 1995
Bernard Landry
Vice-Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs, of Immigration and of Cultural Communities of Québec
Québec's International Personality: Assessment and Prospects
October 14, 1995
James Blanchard
Ambassador of the United States to Canada
Canada - United States Relations
September 29, 1995
Greater Montreal's Positioning to Face Latin America's Economic Integration
September 28, 1995
Jacques Roy
Ambassador of Canada to the European Union
The European Union at a Time of Challenges
September 26, 1995
Lucille Teasdale
Co-Founder of the Gulu Hospital in Ouganda, Honored by the World Health Organization
The Gulu Mission
September 18, 1995
Michel Friedman
Municipal Councillor of Frankfurt and Trustee of the Central Council of Jews of in Germany
Germany in 2000 : Opportunities and Traps
September 12, 1995
Founding of the Montreal Concertation Table on International Affairs
August 29, 1995
Water: International Strategic Resource
June 14, 1995
Riccardo Petrella
Chief Executive Officer, Groupe de Lisbonne
The Limits of Competition
June 13, 1995
Gérald Larose
Président, Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN)
A Social Clause for the Americas
June 6, 1995
Edward Broadbent
President of the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development (ICHRDD)
Haïti's Commission Nationale de Vérité et de Justice: Contributing to Democracy?
May 10, 1995
May 4, 1995
Gérald A. Lacoste, Paul Fortugno, Eudald Canadell
International Presence of Montréal Securities
Louis Granger, Yadmiga Forowicz, Richard Bourgoin
Does Québec Sell Itself in Europe?
April 5, 1995
Mac Evans
Managing Director of the Canadian Space Agency
1995 - An Important Year for Canada in Space
April 4, 1995
Louis Granger, Naheed Rizvi, Richard Bourgoin
International Trade Agencies: Partners or Parasites?
March 15, 1995
Alain Soucy
Director-General, National Institute of Scientific Research
Is Quebec Research Sufficiently Open Internationally?
March 9, 1995
Pierre Marc Johnson, Daniel Latouche, Bernard Landry
March 6, 1995
Roméo Dallaire
Canadian Armed Forces
Lessons to Be Learned from the Rwanda Crisis
February 23, 1995