Montreal's International Forum
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Past events

Series of Events About the Monetary Future of the Americas

April 18, 2000

Louise Beaudoin

Louise Beaudoin

Québec Minister of International Relations

Québec Government's Foreign Affairs Policy

April 17, 2000

Bernard Landry

Bernard Landry

Deputy Premier of Québec and Minister of State for Economy and Finance

From Economic Integration to Monetary Integration?

April 7, 2000

Frédéric Bastien, Jean-François Lisée, Anne Legaré, Philippe Séguin

Frédéric Bastien, Jean-François Lisée, Anne Legaré, Philippe Séguin

France-Québec Relations: Future Prospects

March 9, 2000

John de Chastelain

John de Chastelain

Head of the Independent International Commission on Decommissioning, Responsible for the Negotiations on the Future of Northern Ireland

Disarmament and the Good Friday Agreement

February 21, 2000

Jacques Girard

Jacques Girard

CEO of Montréal International

Montréal International: An Open Window on International Affairs in the World

February 10, 2000

Anne Leahy

Anne Leahy

Ex-Ambassador of Canada to the Russian Federation

Russia After Eltsine

January 27, 2000

Philippe Séguin

Philippe Séguin

Member of Parliament and Ex-President of the French National Assembly

Internationalization or Globalization?

December 7, 1999

Pierre Pettigrew

Pierre Pettigrew

Minister of International Trade of Canada

Canada and the Next World Trade Organization (WTO) Negotiations: 1999 Seattle Objectives

November 12, 1999

Edmund Stoiber

Edmund Stoiber

Minister-President of the State of Bavaria

Bavaria: Priveleged Gateway to Europe for Québec Businesses

October 29, 1999

Serge Rémillard

Serge Rémillard

President, Financial Services CDPQ Inc.

Importing or Exporting Funds: To Act or Not to Act

October 28, 1999

Émile Shoufani

Émile Shoufani

Priest of Nazareth

A New Era Dawning for Israelis and Palestinians

October 25, 1999

Jean-Louis Roy

Jean-Louis Roy

Ex-Secretary General of l’Agence de la Francophonie

A New Africa on the Turn of the 21st Century

October 18, 1999

Péter Medgyvessy

Péter Medgyvessy

President of Inter-Europa Bank and Ex-Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister of several Hungarian Governments since 1989

Economic and Social Opportunities and Trends in Central and Oriental European Countries

October 14, 1999

Jim Gerard

Jim Gerard

New Zealand High Commissioner to Canada

Working for the Prosperity of the Asia-Pacific Region - the Agenda for APEC 99

September 9, 1999

Piero Fassino

Piero Fassino

Italy Foreign Trade Minister

June 21, 1999

Louise Fréchette

Louise Fréchette

Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations (UN)

The UN at the Turn of the 21st Century

June 18, 1999

Takashi Tajima

Takashi Tajima

Japan Ambassador to Canada

Japan's Role in Pacific Asia

May 11, 1999

Lucien Bouchard

Lucien Bouchard

Premier of Québec

A Québec Decade for America

May 10, 1999

Louise Beaudoin

Louise Beaudoin

Québec Minister of International Relations

Québec - Japan Relations: Future Prospects

May 7, 1999

Pierre Fortin

Pierre Fortin

Professor at the Departement of Economy, Université du Québec à Montreal

One Currency for the Americas?

May 7, 1999

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